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Personal data:
Name: Francisco José Alves Coelho Veiga
Place and date of birth: Lisbon - Portugal; October 21st, 1968
Marital status: Married (with 2 children)
Nationality: Portuguese
Academic Qualifications:
- Aggregation (Provas de Agregação) in Economics, Universidade do Minho, 18-19
September 2006.
- Ph.D. in Economics at the University of South Carolina,
USA. From August 1994 to March 1998.
- Coursework of the Master Programme in European
Studies, area of Socio-Economic Studies, University of Minho, 10/1991-5/1993.
- Undergraduate degree In International Relations, Branch
of Economic and Political Relations, University of Minho, 10/1987-7/1991.
Academic Experience:
- Since March 26, 2010:
Full Professor,
Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, University of Minho (UM).
- From September 2006
to March 2010:
Associate Professor with Aggregation,
Department of Economics, UM.
- From November 2003 to September 2006:
Associate Professor,
Department of Economics, UM.
- From October 2005 to July 2006: Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Economics and
Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge.
- From July 1998 to November 2003: Assistant Professor,
Department of Economics, UM.
- August 1994 to July 1998: Assistant,
Department of Economics, UM.
- June 1994 to July 1998: Teaching
Assistant, Department of Economics, University of South Carolina, USA.
- September 1991 to June 1994: Teaching Assistant,
Department of Economics, UM.
Main teaching areas:
- International Monetary Economics
- Economic Growth
- Political Economy
- Macroeconomics
Main research areas:
- International money and finance
- Economic growth and development
- Political economy and public choice.
Editorial responsibilities:
Recent administrative tasks at the University of Minho:
- Director of the Master's Programme in
Economics,since February 2024 (also from September 2007 to May 2010).
- Dean of the School of Economics and Management,
from October 2017 to December 2020.
- Member of the General Council of the University of
Minho, from April 2013 to September 2017.
- Director of the Economic Policies Research Unit
(NIPE), from September 1999 to March 2004 and from March 2007 to April 2013.
- Director of the PhD Program in Economics, from May
2009 to June 2012.
Taks in international organizations:
For additional information see my Curriculum
Vitae (short version).